The Transformation will Not be Televised: A Roundtable on Agro-ecology in Canada

November 3rd, 1:15pm - 2:45pm EST

Faris Ahmed, Carleton University

Irena Knezevic, Carleton University

Charles Levkoe, Lakehead University

The subject of our conversation is what kind of agroecological transformation can we expect in Canada? We speak of the urgent need for a shift right across the food system, yet we know that every part of the system, esp in North America, is captured and controlled by corporate power. Some on the 'radical' side feel that only a large scale and complete shift in food, economy and society will bring us the true agroecology we want, and any other incremental change will only lead to shallow and co-opted and shallow versions of 'agroecology'. Others say that given the political and power context in Canada, agroecology will have to be built 'brick by brick', by creating small openings for change, and influencing policies and practices at different levels of government and sectors of society. What is ultimately the best path for this change to happen? This conversation between Faris Ahmed, Charles Levkoe, Irena Knezevic and Peter Andree will explore all sides of this debate.